Modern Love: A happily ever after fairy tale of ‘psychological abuse’ riddled with gender neutral human fallacies!

True love is based on CHOICE and not NEED. The issue with people who grew up in conditionally loving families (majority of us), as in who were only appreciated for the benefit they provided (achievements, loyalty, submissive obedience, conflict avoidance) to their parents/immediate circle and internalised that that is the basis for all relationships - benefits received and provided. No matter how you view it, it's the emblem of toxic relationships.


My biggest asset and enemy is my own mind and so is yours!

One of the biggest and slightly latest irony of our time is that we have equated attention to contribution. Just because people follow you or clap for you or take your pictures doesn't mean they respect you. This is mainly due to the human nature of all hunter gatherer tribes to rank themselves amongst others for status.