Read more about the article The Thought-Emotion Web: Our Infinite Inner Worlds
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The Thought-Emotion Web: Our Infinite Inner Worlds

And suddenly, you teleport to your inner fantasy world...I see a giant stage where curtains lift like a scared veil and a platform appears, and you see there's somebody who has their back turned towards you, slightly younger but not quite visible…I was like great, some cocky piece of s**t, stuck in my head…I start mumbling…Hey you, you’re not real…like people frantically repeat in a horror movie where a demon is facing them…Read more to explore your infinite inner world — "We all possess the superpower of evolving emotional dysfunction to healthy self-regulation. Changing the life you experience is a journey...where you engage in channelling your gifts (thoughts & emotions) to manifest the greatness that's destined for you" - Adnan

Read more about the article All roads lead to Rome!
Roman Forum old vs new

All roads lead to Rome!

Rome - A historical marvel where you can cover from 4BC to 21AD in one day. The amount of significance of the city and ancient history, spirituality, wisdom and monuments exceed the processing capacity of human brains. You can spend lifetime here trying to decipher history let alone use the lessons to live your own life.


Psychological Instability: The fruit of overthinking!

Brain identity fusion in day to day life, among many other ways, manifests as: a) Overthinking featuring analysis paralysis of the past and compulsive grossly inaccurate projections of the future, b) Narrative factory of narcissism which makes you play lord & saviour in world around you and mostly in other peoples lives, and c) Converts every passing minute into psychological pain robbing you of joy, lightness and ease...Read more to free yourself from yourself!